
Oade Brothers Audio standard services
Product Image Item Name Price+
Reset computer corrupted recorder

Reset computer corrupted recorder

Reset a computer corrupted digital recorder's internal file handling settings. A computer OS writing to the card or a program accessing the card to...
Estimate Fee - no shipping

Estimate Fee - no shipping

$90.00 estimate fee without a return shipping fee. Estimate fee applies to the repair bill should the estimate be approved.
DAT deck estimate fee

DAT deck estimate fee

Estimate fee for studio and portable DAT recorders. Price does not include return shipping. Estimate fee applies to the repair bill should the...
M248 Bench Test

M248 Bench Test

Minimum bench charge

Minimum bench charge

Minimum charge for labor & return shipping w/insurance in the 48 states.
3/4 hour of Bench Time

3/4 hour of Bench Time

45 minutes of Bench Time, shipping not included
Marantz PMD-660 headphone jack +

Marantz PMD-660 headphone jack +

Replace PMD-660 headphone jack. Clean and service recorder. Bench test.
Replace Backup Battery

Replace Backup Battery

Replace internal backup battery. Test for proper operation Price includes return USPS priority mail shipping & insurance in the 48 states.
Run complete diagnostics

Run complete diagnostics

Run complete diagnostics Shipping billed separately
DAT transport clean, service & align

DAT transport clean, service & align

Bench labor to clean, service and align a DAT transport mechanism. Verify proper operation on playback for 8 hours. Return shipping is billed...
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